import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from .compat import TYPE_CHECKING, configparser
from .ini_util import ini_get, read_ini
from typing import List, Iterable, Any, Dict, Optional
ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..")
[docs]def pad(name, spaces=19):
"""Pad the right of a name with spaces until it is at least spaces long"""
return name.ljust(spaces)
[docs]def all_subclasses(cls):
"""Recursively find all the subclasses of cls"""
ret = []
for subclass in cls.__subclasses__():
ret += [x for x in [subclass] + all_subclasses(subclass)
if x not in ret]
return ret
def allocate(self, counter, limit, name):
result = getattr(self, counter)
assert result < limit, "Overflowed %s" % name
setattr(self, counter, result + 1)
return result
# This class generates unique register numbers. It is designed to be passed to
# the implement_blocks() and register_addresses() functions. Methods are
# provided for generating new block, bit, pos, ext addresses.
class RegisterCounter:
# Max number of Block types
# Max size of buses
MAX_BIT = 128
MAX_POS = 32
MAX_EXT = 32
def __init__(self, block_count=0, bit_count=0, pos_count=0, ext_count=0):
self.block_count = block_count
self.bit_count = bit_count
self.pos_count = pos_count
self.ext_count = ext_count
def new_block(self):
return allocate(self, 'block_count', self.MAX_BLOCKS, 'block addresses')
def new_bit(self):
return allocate(self, 'bit_count', self.MAX_BIT, 'bit bus entries')
def new_pos(self):
return allocate(self, 'pos_count', self.MAX_POS, 'pos bus entries')
def new_ext(self):
return allocate(self, 'ext_count', self.MAX_EXT, 'ext bus entries')
# This class wraps a generate_app.RegisterCounter instance, hides the
# .new_block() method replacing it with a new_field() method.
class FieldCounter:
def __init__(self, counters, block_name):
self.counters = counters
self.block_name = block_name
self.field_count = 0
# Expose the relevant counters methods
self.new_bit = counters.new_bit
self.new_pos = counters.new_pos
self.new_ext = counters.new_ext
def new_field(self):
return allocate(self, "field_count", self.MAX_FIELDS, 'number of fields')
[docs]class BlockConfig(object):
"""The config for a single Block"""
def __init__(self, name, type, number, ini_path, site=(None, None, None)):
# type: (str, str, int, str, Optional[int]) -> None
# Block names should be UPPER_CASE_NO_TRAILING_NUMBERS
assert re.match("[A-Z][0-9A-Z_]*[A-Z]$", name), \
"Expected BLOCK_NAME with no trailing numbers, got %r" % name
ini = read_ini(os.path.join(ROOT, ini_path))
#: The name of the Block, like LUT = name
#: The number of instances Blocks that will be created, like 8
self.number = number
#: The path to the module that holds this block ini
self.module_path = os.path.dirname(ini_path)
#: The path to the ini file for this Block, relative to ROOT
self.ini_path = ini_path
#: The Block section of the register address space
self.block_address = None
#: If the type == sfp, which site number
#: The VHDL entity name, like lut
self.entity = ini.get(".", "entity")
#: Is the block soft, sfp, fmc or dma?
self.type = ini_get(ini, '.', 'type', type)
#: What type is the sfp/fmc interface?
interfaces = ini_get(ini, '.', 'interfaces', '').split()
self.interfaces = self.combineSiteInterfaces(interfaces)
#: Any constraints?
self.constraints = ini_get(ini, '.', 'constraints', '').split()
#: Does the block require IP?
self.ip = ini_get(ini, '.', 'ip', '').split()
self.otherconst = ini_get(ini, '.', 'otherconst', '')
if (self.otherconst == "mgt_pins"):
#: Interfaces need MGT pins constraints
#: The description, like "Lookup table"
self.description = ini.get(".", "description")
# If extension required but not specified put entity name here
self.extension = ini_get(ini, '.', 'extension', None)
if self.extension == '':
self.extension = self.entity
self.extra_sites = ini_get(ini, '.', 'extra_interface', None)
#: All the child fields
self.fields = FieldConfig.from_ini(
ini, number) # type: List[FieldConfig]
#: List of Extension fields in the block
self.calc_extensions = []
#: Are there any suffixes?
self.block_suffixes = ini_get(ini, '.', 'block_suffixes', '').split()
def site_config(self, site_tuple):
siteName, siteType, siteNumber = site_tuple
if siteName:
if siteNumber.isdigit(): = siteName + '.' + siteType + '_ARR(' + \
str(int(siteNumber)-1) + ')'
self.site_LOC = (siteName + siteNumber).upper()
else: = siteNumber
self.site_LOC = siteNumber
else: = None
self.site_LOC = None
[docs] def register_addresses(self, block_counters):
# type: (RegisterCounter) -> None
"""Register this block in the address space"""
self.block_address = block_counters.new_block()
counters = FieldCounter(block_counters,
for field in self.fields:
[docs] def filter_fields(self, regex, matching=True):
# type: (str, bool) -> Iterable[FieldConfig]
"""Filter our child fields by typ. If not matching return those
that don't match"""
regex = re.compile(regex + '$')
for field in self.fields:
is_a_match = bool(regex.match(field.type))
# If matching and is_a_match or not matching and isnt_a_match
# return the field
if matching == is_a_match:
yield field
def combineSiteInterfaces(self, interfaces):
# type: (List(str)) -> list[tuple]
# If a site is defined modify the interfaces to include the site number
combinedInterfaces = [] # type: List[tuple]
for interface in interfaces:
# site_number=re.findall(r'\d+',[0]
combinedInterface = (interface,
site = interface + '.' + interface + "_ARR(0)"
combinedInterface = (interface, site)
return combinedInterfaces
[docs] def generateInterfaceConstraints(self):
"""Generate MGT Pints constraints"""
self.interfaceConstraints = []
constraint = self.site_LOC + "_pins.xdc"
if constraint not in self.interfaceConstraints:
def generate_calc_extensions(self):
# Iterate through the fields and add any with writeExtension type to the list
for field in self.filter_fields("extension_.*"):
extension = (, field.registers[0].number)
if not self.extension:
self.extension =
# After extensions have been added to self.read_extensions/self.write_extensions
# Iterate through the fields, when a writeExtension is specified find its number
for field in self.fields:
for calc_extension, num in self.calc_extensions:
for extension in field.extension_write.split(" "):
if calc_extension == extension:
field.extension_nums.append([num, "write"])
for extension in field.extension_read.split(" "):
if calc_extension == extension:
field.extension_nums.append([num, "read"])
def make_getter_setter(config):
def getter(self):
return getattr(self, "_" +, 0)
def setter(self, v):
if getter(self) != v:
if self.changes is None:
self.changes = {}
self.changes[] = v
setattr(self, "_" +, v)
# Add the reference to config so we can get it in BlockSimulationMeta
getter.config = config
return getter, setter
[docs]class RegisterConfig(object):
"""A low level register name and number backing this field"""
def __init__(self, name, number=-1, prefix='', extension='', write_extension='', read_extension=''):
# type: (str, int, str, str, str, str) -> None
#: The name of the register, like INPA_DLY = name.replace('.', '_')
#: The register number relative to Block, like 9
self.number = number
# String to be written before the register
self.prefix = prefix
#: For an extension field, the register path
self.extension = extension
#: If there is a write extension
self.write_extension = write_extension
#: If there is a write extension
self.read_extension = read_extension
[docs]class BusEntryConfig(object):
"""A bus entry belonging to a field"""
def __init__(self, name, bus, index):
# type: (str, str, int) -> None
#: The name of the register, like INPA_DLY = name.replace('.', '_')
#: The bus the output is on, like bit
self.bus = bus
#: The bus index, like 5
self.index = index
[docs]class FieldConfig(object):
"""The config for a single Field of a Block"""
#: Regex for matching a type string to this field
type_regex = None
def __init__(self, name, number, type, description, extra_config):
# type: (str, int, str, str, Dict[str, str]) -> None
# Field names should be UPPER_CASE_OR_NUMBERS
assert re.match(r"[A-Z][0-9A-Z_\.]*$", name), \
"Expected FIELD_NAME, got %r" % name
#: The name of the field relative to it's Block, like INPA = name
#: The number of instances Blocks that will be created, like 8
self.number = number
#: The complete type string, like param lut
self.type = type # type: str
#: The long description of the field
self.description = description
#: The list of registers this field uses
self.registers = [] # type: List[RegisterConfig]
#: The list of bus entries this field has
self.bus_entries = [] # type: List[BusEntryConfig]
#: If a write strobe is required, set wstb to 1
self.wstb = extra_config.pop("wstb", False)
#: If the field is associated to an option
self.option_filter = extra_config.pop("if-option", "")
#: Store the initial value, if supplied - only for params
self.initial_value = extra_config.pop("initial_value", None)
if self.initial_value:
assert "param" in self.type, \
"Only Param fields can have initial values"
#: Store the extension register info
self.extension = extra_config.pop("extension", None)
self.extension_write = extra_config.pop("extension_write", "")
self.extension_read = extra_config.pop("extension_read", "")
self.extension_nums = []
self.no_config = False
#: All the other extra config items
self.extra_config_lines = list(self.parse_extra_config(extra_config))
[docs] def register_addresses(self, counters):
# type: (FieldCounter) -> None
"""Create registers using the FieldCounter object"""
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def address_line(self):
# type: () -> str
"""Produce the line that should go in the registers file after name"""
def make_reg_name(r):
result = []
if r.prefix:
# The following is used if fields use the extension server
if r.extension:
# Add register number for any read extensions
for num, ext_type in self.extension_nums:
if ext_type == "read":
result.extend(str(' '.join(str(num) )))
# If there are write extensions add W and then any register numbers
if r.write_extension:
for num, ext_type in self.extension_nums:
if ext_type == "write":
result.extend(str(' '.join(str(num) )))
result.extend(['X', r.extension])
elif r.number >= 0:
return ' '.join(result)
if self.registers:
assert not self.bus_entries, \
"Field %s type %s has both registers and bus entries" % (, self.type)
registers_str = " ".join(make_reg_name(r) for r in self.registers)
registers_str = " ".join(str(e.index) for e in self.bus_entries)
return registers_str
[docs] def config_line(self):
# type: () -> str
"""Produce the line that should go in the config file after name"""
return self.type
[docs] def numbered_registers(self):
# type: () -> List[RegisterConfig]
"""Filter self.registers, only producing registers with a number
(not those that are purely extension registers)"""
return [r for r in self.registers if r.number != -1]
def lookup_subclass(cls, type):
# Reverse these so we get EnumParamFieldConfig (specific) before
# its superclass ParamFieldConfig (catchall regex)
for subclass in reversed(all_subclasses(cls)):
if re.match(subclass.type_regex, type):
return subclass
def from_ini(cls, ini, number):
# type: (configparser.SafeConfigParser, int) -> List[FieldConfig]
ret = []
for section in ini.sections():
if section != ".":
d = OrderedDict(ini.items(section))
typ = d.pop("type")
desc = d.pop("description")
subclass = FieldConfig.lookup_subclass(typ)
assert subclass, "No FieldConfig for %r" % typ
ret.append(subclass(section, number, typ, desc, d))
except TypeError as e:
raise TypeError("Cannot create %s from %s: %s" % (
subclass.__name__, d, e))
return ret
[docs]class BitOutFieldConfig(FieldConfig):
"""These fields represent a single entry on the bit bus"""
type_regex = "bit_out"
[docs] def register_addresses(self, counters):
# type: (FieldCounter) -> None
for _ in range(self.number):
BusEntryConfig(, "bit", counters.new_bit()))
[docs]class PosOutFieldConfig(FieldConfig):
"""These fields represent a position output"""
type_regex = "pos_out"
scale = None
offset = None
units = None
[docs] def register_addresses(self, counters):
# type: (FieldCounter) -> None
for _ in range(self.number):
BusEntryConfig(, "pos", counters.new_pos()))
[docs] def config_line(self):
# type: () -> str
"""Produce the line that should go in the config file after name"""
if self.units:
return "pos_out %s %s %s" % (self.scale, self.offset, self.units)
# In case no units are declared, this removes trailing whitespace
return "pos_out %s %s" % (self.scale, self.offset)
[docs]class ExtOutFieldConfig(FieldConfig):
"""These fields represent a ext output"""
type_regex = "ext_out"
[docs] def register_addresses(self, counters):
# type: (FieldCounter) -> None
for _ in range(self.number):
BusEntryConfig(, "ext", counters.new_ext()))
[docs]class ExtOutTimeFieldConfig(ExtOutFieldConfig):
"""These fields represent a ext output timestamp, which requires two
type_regex = "ext_out timestamp"
[docs] def register_addresses(self, counters):
# type: (FieldCounter) -> None
for _ in range(self.number):
BusEntryConfig( + "_L", "ext", counters.new_ext()),
BusEntryConfig( + "_H", "ext", counters.new_ext())])
[docs]class TableFieldConfig(FieldConfig):
"""These fields represent a table field"""
type_regex = "table"
#: How many 32-bit words per line?
words = None
[docs] def register_addresses(self, counters):
# type: (FieldCounter) -> None
# Hardcode to 2^8 = 256 pages
# Each page is 1024 words = 4096 bytes
RegisterConfig(, prefix='long 2^8'),
RegisterConfig( + "_ADDRESS", counters.new_field()),
RegisterConfig( + "_LENGTH", counters.new_field())])
[docs] def config_line(self):
# type: () -> str
"""Produce the line that should go in the config file after name"""
return "table %s" % self.words
[docs]class TableShortFieldConfig(TableFieldConfig):
"""These fields represent a table field"""
type_regex = "table short"
#: How many lines in the table?
lines = None
[docs] def register_addresses(self, counters):
# type: (FieldCounter) -> None
length = int(self.words) * int(self.lines)
RegisterConfig(, prefix='short %s' % length),
RegisterConfig( + "_START", counters.new_field()),
RegisterConfig( + "_DATA", counters.new_field()),
RegisterConfig( + "_LENGTH", counters.new_field())])
[docs]class ParamFieldConfig(FieldConfig):
"""These fields represent all other set/get parameters backed with a single
type_regex = "(param|read|write).*"
[docs] def register_addresses(self, counters):
# type: (FieldCounter) -> None
if self.extension:
address = -1
address = counters.new_field()
RegisterConfig(, address, extension=self.extension, write_extension=self.extension_write, read_extension=self.extension_read))
[docs] def config_line(self):
# type: () -> str
"""Produce the line that should go in the config file after name"""
if self.initial_value:
return "%s = %s" % (self.type, self.initial_value)
return super(ParamFieldConfig, self).config_line()
[docs]class CalcExtensionFieldConfig(ParamFieldConfig):
"""These fields act in the same way as write record from the VHDL generation
point of view, but do not have a config entry"""
type_regex = "(extension_write|extension_read)"
[docs] def register_addresses(self, counters):
# type: (FieldCounter) -> None
super(CalcExtensionFieldConfig, self).register_addresses(counters)
self.no_config = True
[docs]class EnumParamFieldConfig(ParamFieldConfig):
"""An enum field with its integer entries and string values"""
type_regex = "(param|read|write) enum"
[docs]class UintParamFieldConfig(ParamFieldConfig):
"""A special These fields represent all other set/get parameters backed with
a single register"""
type_regex = "(param|read|write) uint"
max_value = None
[docs] def config_line(self):
# type: () -> str
"""Produce the line that should go in the config file after name"""
if self.max_value:
return "%s %s" % (self.type, self.max_value)
return super(UintParamFieldConfig, self).config_line()
[docs]class ScalarParamFieldConfig(ParamFieldConfig):
""" A special Read config for reading the different config of a
read scalar"""
type_regex = "(param|read|write) scalar"
scale = None
offset = None
units = None
[docs] def config_line(self):
# type: () -> str
"""Produce the line that should go in the config file after name"""
if self.units:
return "%s %s %s %s" % (
self.type, self.scale, self.offset, self.units)
# In case no units are declared, this removes trailing whitespace
return "%s %s %s" % (self.type, self.scale, self.offset)
[docs]class BitMuxFieldConfig(FieldConfig):
"""These fields represent a single entry on the pos bus"""
type_regex = "bit_mux"
[docs] def register_addresses(self, counters):
# type: (FieldCounter) -> None
# One register for the mux value, one for a delay line
RegisterConfig(, counters.new_field()),
RegisterConfig( + "_DLY", counters.new_field())])
[docs]class PosMuxFieldConfig(FieldConfig):
"""The fields represent a position input multiplexer selection"""
type_regex = "pos_mux"
[docs] def register_addresses(self, counters):
# type: (FieldCounter) -> None
RegisterConfig(, counters.new_field()))
[docs]class TimeFieldConfig(FieldConfig):
"""The fields represent a configurable timer parameter """
type_regex = "time"
[docs] def register_addresses(self, counters):
# type: (FieldCounter) -> None
# One register for the _L value and one for the _H value
RegisterConfig( + "_L", counters.new_field()),
RegisterConfig( + "_H", counters.new_field())])
[docs]class TargetSiteConfig(object):
"""The config for the target sites"""
#: Regex for matching a type string to this field
type_regex = None
def __init__(self, name, num, capabilitiy=None, type=None):
# type: (str, str, str, str)-> None
#: The type of target site (SFP/FMC etc) = name
#: The info i in a string such as "3, i, io, o"
self.number = int(num)
self.capability = int(capabilitiy) if capabilitiy else int(num)
self.type = type if type else name
self.locations = [str(i) for i in range(1, self.number + 1)]