Extension Server

The extension server is used to implement custom fields. The extension server runs alongsize the Panda socket server and supports the loading of Python modules with a lightweight remote procedure calling interface from the socket server.

As described in Configuration Files, individual read, write, param fields can be specified to take their values from and write to the extension register. At the same time, these extension read and write operations can be linked to hardware registers.

The extension server is started alongside the socket server, and on PandA looks in /opt/share/panda-fpga/extensions for extension module files. During development any Python module can be specified as a container for extension sub-modules.

Connections from the socket server to the extension server are established while reading the registers file. Firstly, if a block has an extension module specified then this module is loaded from the extensions directory and is associated with the block. Next, each extension field is processing by calling the appropriate parse_read() or parse_write() methods.

Depending on the register configuration any number of hardware block registers can be read or written during processing of an extension field.

Extension Modules

Each extension module must export a class constructor named Extension. This takes one argument and must support two methods parse_read and parse_write

class Extension(count)

This class must be defined by each extension module. The class will be instantiated in response to loading a block register definition of the form:

block-name [ "S" ] block-register extension-module

The parameter count is set to the number of instances specified for the block in the config file. This class must provide the following methods, as appropriate, to support read and write register fields:


This is called in response to a read-extension line in the register file of the form:

[ read-reg ]* "X" field-spec

The field-spec is passed as a string to parse_read(), and this method must return a callable of the following form:

value =     read_register(block_num, read_reg1, ..., read_regN)

The first argument block_num is the number of the block instance being called (starting from 0), and is guaranteed to be less than count as passed to the Extension constructor.

The remaining read_reg1read_regN argument must match the number of arguments specified in the read-reg block of the register file. These will be populated by reading the corresponding block hardware registers before this function is called.

The value returned must be a single integer, this is the value returned when reading this field.


This is called in response to a write-extension line in the register file of the form:

[ read-reg ]* [ "W" [ write-reg ]* ] "X" field-spec

As for parse_read(), field-spec is passed as the argument, and a callable must be returned, of the following form:

(write_reg1, ..., write_regM) =     write_register(block_num, value, read_reg1, ..., read_regN)

The first argument block_num is the number of the block instance being called (starting from 0), and is guaranteed to be less than count as passed to the Extension constructor.

The second argument value is the value written to this field.

The remaining read_reg1read_regN argument must match the number of arguments specified in the read-reg block of the register file. These will be populated by reading the corresponding block hardware registers before this function is called.

The value returned must be a tuple of integers matching the write-reg block of the register file. The returned values will be written to the specified hardware registers after processing this function. This defines the action of writing this field.

Injected Values

Every extension module will have two support values injected into the module when the module is loaded into the server. These are available to help with the implementation of extensions.

class ServerError(Exception)

Read and write methods should use this exception to report errors. Exceptions of this type are treated specially and are reported as normal read or write errors.

class ExtensionHelper

This can be used inside an extension module to create extension support for individual fields. Pass a block constructor (that must take one argument, the block index) which implements set_ and get_ methods as appropriate, and this helper will implement the approprate Extension support.

Use this inside the extension module thus:

class MyBlock:
    def __init__(self, n):

    def get_field(self, *regs):
        return value

    def set_field(self, value, *regs):
        return new_regs

def Extension(count):
  return ExtensionHelper(MyBlock, count)